Got back in from Costa Rica at 3:30 this morning. It was simply amazing! I will post many, many pictures and lots of details about the journey later. Now I am much too tired to remember everything. For now I will share my latest project. (yes, I am the QUEEN of the project - but this one is a great one and it is very important)
Years ago after our son was born Paul and I decided to take up the sport of triathlon as a way to have at least one non 'child-centered' thing that we could do together. It worked wonderfully for the first few years, but then we started racing longer and the demands of kids, work, and long training hours started to become more of a stressor than a bonding experience. Nothing too bad, just added stress to life which, with 2 kids, 2 jobs, a house etc. - who needs more stress!
Being away made us both realize how much we have been missing out on our time together. Paul gave me a very sweet list of things he would like us to 'resolve' to do together this year. Get your mind out of the gutter, not those kinds of things. More like doing our morning yoga twice a week, planning another trip together, and training to do well at Triple T.
So, this brings me to my project. Paul left about 5 hours after I got home for his 40th b'day ski trip with 2 of friends. While he is gone I am working on an "Intentions" board. I got the idea from one of my Trakkers teammates, Kelly. I am going to include our training goals, our travel plans and all the other great things we will do together and share in 2010. One of the 'things' is a the above picture of the sunset in Costa Rica. We won't get back there in 2010, but hopefully in the next year or two we will have a good excuse to go and share the experience, and maybe even leave kids at home!
So glad you like my board!! I look at it every day, and already I'm thinking of new things to add. CAn't wait to see your!!
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